How To Maximize Space in a Small Garage

If it seems that new homes these days have included garages better suited for a Tonka truck than a real one, it’s not your imagination. With land at a premium, home builders can maximize the living space square footage by skimping on the garage size. As a result, many homeowners are lucky to fit one car in their two-car garage. But there are ways to make the most of the space you have by employing a few simple tips.

Maximize the Space in a Small Garage

  • ·  Use the wall space by adding brackets, hooks, or shelves.

  • ·  Add overhead storage racks. One nice change from the older garages is taller ceilings.

· Organize sports equipment like balls, bats, workout equipment, and other items that take up space because they are dropped in random locations.

· Buy a tool tower and keep those yard tools with long handles from falling or cluttering the garage.

· Line the walls with pegboards. It’s an inexpensive way to keep small tools organized.

· Keep it clean. Half the battle with all garages is the ever-expanding stuff. Create a routine to do a deep clean/tidy on a regular basis.

· If room permits, add an outdoor shed or other storage structure to a side yard to store bulky items, such as holiday decorations.

A small garage does not mean that you must park your cars on the street. Keep the space clean and tidy with these tips and make the most of the available room while keeping things easy to find when you need them.


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