How to Buy from the Best Home Builder

Whether you plan to buy a single-family home, condo, or townhouse, buying in a new development can cause years of issues if you don’t choose a property with a solid, reputable home builder.

It’s exciting to consider buying new construction, a brand-new home suited to your specific needs and taste. Yet unlike the resale homes, there are no previous owners to provide disclosures detailing issues with construction, lot, or property. In this case, one is relying on the builder to provide a high-quality home in both construction and materials.

As with any home purchase, doing your homework ahead of time can save you thousands of dollars over the long run. Start by researching the builder of the subdivision. Check for other projects, both current and past. Visit any projects still available and drive by the other properties to see how the homes have weathered. Watch for signs of repairs, such as new roofs or paint.

When visiting the model homes, watch for the qualify of construction. Do the doors and drawers open and close smoothly? Are the floors finished at the baseboards neatly? Ask for a tour of unfinished homes as well. Check to see if the workmanship is uniform and careful.

Finally, have a home inspection before closing on the property. A staple of the resales housing market, few homebuyers of new construction consider it. By taking the time to do your research ahead of time, you can make the right choice in a new home.


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