The Importance of Roof Maintenance: Signs It's Time to Call a Professional
Your roof is one of the most essential elements of your home. It guards you, your family, and your home from wind, water, and other harsh conditions. However, it is also a part of the home that is often overlooked until it’s too late. Detecting roof damage early can prevent costly repairs down the line. But do you know what to look for? Here are a few signs it’s time to call a professional roofing company.
Navigating the Maze of Hiring a Contractor: What Every Homeowner Needs to Know
Most homeowners, when faced with a substantial home project, quickly realize that they lack the expertise or the inclination to tackle it themselves. This is where the indispensable role of a contractor comes into play. However, hiring a contractor is a nuanced process that goes beyond simply finding someone to do the job. It involves navigating through a myriad of regulations and considerations to ensure both the quality of work and the protection of your interests.
Don’t Let Small Problems Become Big Insurance Issues
Home maintenance is important for homeowners. Small issues like a loose shingle or minor leak may seem minor, but they can become bigger problems if left unaddressed over time. Poor home maintenance can potentially lead to insurance claims being denied if the damage arises from deferred maintenance. Insurance policies generally cover unexpected damage, not issues that developed from lack of home upkeep.
Common Lawn Mistakes
Summer is made for the outdoors. When the weather turns warm, the backyard becomes the central focus for family fun. After a long, cold winter, homeowners around the country turn their attention to their lawn. Yet, these weekend warriors could be sabotaging their lawn by making these 5 common mistakes.
Get Rid of Unwelcome Critters
Most people have heard that annoying sound – a mouse running through the wall or in the rafters of the garage. Often these problems can be solved quickly by luring them out and plugging the openings they entered through. But what if unwanted animals are in your chimney?
2022 Color Trends
Did you know that each year paint and pigment companies work hard to predict the hottest trends in colors. They choose the “Color of the Year” and home designers love to infuse new tones and hues into their new designs. For 2022, Shades of Green will be all the rage
Home Improvements During the Labor Shortage
Tight labor markets are affecting industries across the country. Skilled and unskilled jobs remain unfilled as employers struggle to find prospective employees. For anyone ready to hire a contractor or handyman to perform home improvement projects, this shortage is causing frustration.
Essential Components of the Home Tool Kit
If your toolbox consists of duct tape and a hammer, a quick, inexpensive trip to the local hardware store can save you lots of time and headache later when you need your tool kit.
Thinking of DIY-ing? Consider This First!
The pandemic has affected us all in different ways, but before you attempt a DIY project based on a 3-minute YouTube video, remember that it may cost you far less to hire a professional.