Housing Costs, Market Update, Real Estate Tips, Buyer Tips AF Realty Group Marketing Housing Costs, Market Update, Real Estate Tips, Buyer Tips AF Realty Group Marketing

Prioritizing Lifestyle Amid Rising Interest Rates

The real estate market has changed over the past year. One of the biggest issues facing anyone considering a home purchase or sale is rising interest rates. After enjoying years of mortgage rates in the 2-3% range, many borrowers are shocked to see a conventional 30-year fixed loan offering rates as high as 7 percent. While historically reasonable, this increase is having an impact on the real estate market. If you are considering a move, it’s important to remember that your lifestyle still needs to take precedence over these temporary changes.

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Financial, Home Owner Tips, Home Tech & Gadgets, Housing Costs AF Realty Group Marketing Financial, Home Owner Tips, Home Tech & Gadgets, Housing Costs AF Realty Group Marketing

Energy Vampires – Why Your Electric Bill Is So High

Does it seem like you do everything possible to lower your electric bill and still see no measurable difference in your bill? The simple reason is you may have energy vampires in your home. The good news is these creepy creatures do not require a visit from your local ghostbusters team, these energy suckers are hiding in plain sight and easy to remove.

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Home Owner Tips, Housing Costs, Home Tech & Gadgets AF Realty Group Marketing Home Owner Tips, Housing Costs, Home Tech & Gadgets AF Realty Group Marketing

9 Solar-Powered Products You Need Now

The solar panel industry has mushroomed over the past few years. Almost every homeowner has at least considered adding solar panels to their home to take advantage of the energy savings they promise. But reducing energy consumption with solar does not stop at solar panels on the roof.

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Housing Costs, Renters, Real Estate Tips AF Realty Group Marketing Housing Costs, Renters, Real Estate Tips AF Realty Group Marketing

Still Renting Your Home? Four Facts That Might Change Your Mind

Each year, home renters face the question of whether to renew their lease for another year or determine it is time to buy a home of their own. Over the past couple of years, the US housing market has changed dramatically as home values have soared and interest rates have remained low. So, if you are still renting your home, it might be time to buy instead.

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Home Buying Process, Buyer Tips, Housing Costs, Real Estate Tips AF Realty Group Marketing Home Buying Process, Buyer Tips, Housing Costs, Real Estate Tips AF Realty Group Marketing

Should You Save 20% For a Downpayment?

If you’re planning to buy a new home, you may be wondering about the down payment. Loan programs require down payments as low as 3.5% for FHA loans and conventional offers as low as 5%. While you have a lot of options, there are 4 strong benefits to making a 20% down payment on your home.

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