Seller Tips, Selling Process AF Realty Group Marketing Seller Tips, Selling Process AF Realty Group Marketing

Navigating the Real Estate Terrain: First-Time Sellers – 5 Things You May Not Know

Are you considering dipping your toes into the bustling waters of real estate? As a first-time seller, the journey ahead might seem daunting, filled with uncertainties and unfamiliar territory. Fear not! In this guide, we'll delve into five lesser-known aspects of selling your home that could make all the difference in your experience.

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Seller Tips, Selling Process AF Realty Group Marketing Seller Tips, Selling Process AF Realty Group Marketing

Preparing for an Appraisal in Today's Market

Preparing for the home appraisal is always an important step when selling your home. In a declining market, it becomes critical. When home prices are rising or steady, one can expect the comps (comparable properties) will justify the sales price you negotiated. When prices are falling, this becomes less sure. Since appraisers use the most recent closed sales in their comparisons, a new sale with a lower price can affect the value of your home.

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Seller Tips, Selling Process AF Realty Group Marketing Seller Tips, Selling Process AF Realty Group Marketing

What Not to Say When Someone Asks Why You’re Selling

The minute you list your home, everyone will want to know why. You will hear from your neighbors, family members, and friends. Of course, there is no harm in speaking freely with family and friends but be careful what you tell your neighbors and especially the buyers and their agents who visit your listing.

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Seller Tips, Selling Process, Market Update Amanda Fiebig Seller Tips, Selling Process, Market Update Amanda Fiebig

Overall Market Update – 5 Realities for Sellers Now

Over the past few years, most of the US has been in a strong seller’s market. Historically-low interest rates coupled with rising incomes resulted in buyers who were ready and able to buy a new home. It was a crazy time when sellers needed to do little more than put a sign in the yard to attract multiple offers.

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Neighborhood, Real Estate Tips, Seller Tips, Selling Process AF Realty Group Marketing Neighborhood, Real Estate Tips, Seller Tips, Selling Process AF Realty Group Marketing

How to Use Comps to Price Your Home Correctly

The most important aspect of listing your home for sale is the asking price. Unlike many other items we purchase, home prices are based on what a willing and able buyer would pay for the property. Sounds complicated, right? This is why real estate agents bring comps (short for comparable properties) information with them to the discussion. Yet are you using the right comps to successfully sell your home?

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Sellers: Expect Multiple Strong Offers this Season

The winter season has traditionally been a slower time for home sales. The guidance in the past has been to wait for the warmer months of spring before listing. However, the current real estate market has created a strong seller’s market and if you’re considering a move, it may be better to sell now rather than risk a slowdown if interest rates rise in the coming months.

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When a House Sells, What Stays?

More than one seller has been surprised to find that their favorite chandelier is not theirs to take when they move. First-time home sellers might be especially confused when confronted with an exclusion form presented by their agent, but understanding what is, and is not included in the sale by statute is important to avoid disappointment on both sides.

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Home Inspections and Appraisals in the New Normal

Home inspections and appraisals are a few vital pieces of the home buying and selling transaction that require in-person visits. Both of these need access to the property to properly perform their duties, and it leaves some potential home sellers and buyers wondering if it’s even possible to conclude a real estate transaction right now. Here are some ways to stay safe during these processes.

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Home Buying Process, Seller Tips, Real Estate Tips, Selling Process Christina Elmore Photography Home Buying Process, Seller Tips, Real Estate Tips, Selling Process Christina Elmore Photography

Buying and Selling at the Same Time?

Buying or selling a home can be extremely stressful. It can be even more overwhelming if one is trying to do both at the same time. The good news is that this happens all the time and by following a few simple tips, both buying and selling can be a seamless process.

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